Photo-z Server

Tutorial Notebook 0 - Introduction

Contact author: Julia Gschwend

Last verified run: 2024-Jul-22

The PZ Server


The PZ Server is an online service available for the LSST Community to host and share lightweight photo-z (PZ) -related data products. The upload and download of data and metadata can be done at the website (during the development phase, a test environment is available at There, you will find two separate pages containing a list of data products each: one for Rubin Observatory Data Management’s official data products and the other for user-generated data products. The registered data products can also be accessed directly from Python code using the PZ Server’s data access API, as demonstrated below.

The PZ Server is developed and delivered as part of the in-kind contribution program BRA-LIN, from LIneA to the Rubin Observatory’s LSST project. The service is hosted in the Brazilian IDAC, not directly connected to the Rubin Science Platform (RSP). However, user authorization requires the same credentials as RSP. For comprehensive documentation about the PZ Server, please visit the PZ Server’s documentation page. There, you will also find an overview of all LIneA’s contributions related to the PZ production. The internal documentation of the API functions is available on the API’s documentation page.

How to upload a data product on the PZ Server website

To upload a data product, click on the button NEW PRODUCT on the top left of the User-generated Data Products page and fill in the Upload Form with relevant metadata. Alternatively, the user can upload files to the PZ Server programmatically via the pzserver Python Library (described below).

The photo-z-related products are organized into four categories (product types):

  • Spec-z Catalog: Catalog of spectroscopic redshifts and positions (usually equatorial coordinates).

  • Training Set: Sample for training photo-z algorithms (tabular data). It usually contains magnitudes, errors, and true redshifts.

  • Photo-z Validation Results: The Results of a photo-z validation procedure (free format). They usually contain photo-z estimates (single estimates and/or PDFs) of a validation set, photo-z validation metrics, validation plots, etc.

  • Photo-z Table: This category is for the results of a photo-z estimation procedure. Ideally, the data should be in the same format as the photo-z tables delivered by the DM as part of the LSST data releases. If the data is larger than the file upload limit (200MB), the product entry will store only the metadata, and instructions on accessing the data should be provided in the description field. Storage space can be provided exceptionally for larger tables, depending on the science project justification (to be evaluated by IDAC’s management committee).

How to download a data product from the PZ Server website

To download a data product available on the Photo-z Server, go to one of the two pages by clicking on the card “Rubin Observatory PZ Data Products” (for official products released by Rubin Data Management Team) or “User-generated Data Products” (for products uploaded by the members of LSST community). The download button is on the right side of each data product (each row of the list). Also, there are buttons to share, remove, and edit the metadata of a given data product.

The PZ Server API (Python library pzserver)


For regular users

The PZ Server API is avalialble on pip as pzserver. To install the API and its dependencies, type, on the Terminal:

$ pip install pzserver
! pip install pzserver

For developers

Alternatively, if you have cloned the repository with:

$ git clone

To install the API and its dependencies, type:

$ pip install .[dev]

OBS: You might need to restart the kernel on the notebook to incorporate the new library.

Imports and Setup

from pzserver import PzServer
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

The connection with the PZ Server from Python code is done by an object of the class PzServer. To get authorization to define an instance of PzServer, the users must provide an API Token generated on the top right menu on the PZ Server website (during the development phase, on the test environment).

# pz_server = PzServer(token="<your token>", host="pz-dev") # "pz-dev" is the temporary host for test phase

For convenience, the token can be saved into a file named as token.txt (which is already listed in the .gitignore file in this repository).

with open('token.txt', 'r') as file:
    token =
pz_server = PzServer(token=token, host="pz-dev") # "pz-dev" is the temporary host for test phase

How to get general info from PZ Server

The object pz_server just created above can provide access to data and metadata stored in the PZ Server. It also brings useful methods for users to navigate through the available contents. The methods with the preffix get_ return the result of a query on the PZ Server database as a Python dictionary, and are most useful to be used programatically (see details on the API documentation page). Alternatively, those with the preffix display_ show the results as a styled Pandas DataFrames, optimized for Jupyter Notebook (note: column names might change in the display version). For instance:

Display the list of product types supported with a short description;


Display the list of users who uploaded data products to the server;


Display the list of data releases available at the time;


Display all data products available (WARNING: this list can rapidly grow during the survey’s operation).


The information about product type, users, and releases shown above can be used to filter the data products of interest for your search. For that, the method list_products receives as argument a dictionary mapping the products attributes to their values.

pz_server.display_products_list(filters={"release": "LSST DP0",
                                 "product_type": "Training Set"})

It also works if we type a string pattern that is part of the value. For instance, just “DP0” instead of “LSST DP0”:

pz_server.display_products_list(filters={"release": "DP0"})

It also allows the search for multiple strings by adding the suffix __or (two underscores + “or”) to the search key. For instance, to get spec-z catalogs and training sets in the same search (notice that filtering is not case sensitive):

pz_server.display_products_list(filters={"product_type__or": ["Spec-z Catalog", "training set"]})

To fetch the results of a search and attribute to a variable, just change the preffix display_ by get_, like this:

search_results = pz_server.get_products_list(filters={"product_type": "results"}) # PZ Validation results

How to upload a data product to via Python API (alternative method)

The default method to upload a data product to the PZ Server is the upload tool on PZ Server website, as shown above. Alternatively, data products can be sent to the host service using the pzserver Python library.

First, prepare a dictionary with the relevant information about your data product:

data_to_upload = {
    "name":"example upload via lib",
    "product_type": "specz_catalog",  # Product type
    "release": None, # LSST release, use None if not LSST data
    "main_file": "example.csv", # full path
    "auxiliary_files": ["example.html", "example.ipynb"] # full path
upload = pz_server.upload(**data_to_upload)

How to display the metadata of a data product

The metadata of a given data product is the information provided by the user on the upload form. This information is attached to the data product contents and is available for consulting on the PZ Server page or using this Python API (pzserver).

All data products stored on PZ Server are identified by a unique id number or a unique name, a string called internal_name, which is created automatically at the moment of the upload by concatenating the product id to the name given by its owner (replacing blank spaces by “_”, lowering cases, and removing special characters).

The PzServer’s method get_product_metadata() returns a dictionary with the attibutes stored in the PZ Server about a given data product identified by its id or internal_name. For use in a Jupyter notebook, the equivalent display_product_metadata() shows the results in a formated table.

# pz_server.display_product_metadata(<id (int or str) or internal_name (str)>)
# pz_server.display_product_metadata(6)
# pz_server.display_product_metadata("6")

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How to download data products as .zip files

To download any data product stored in the PZ Server, use the PzServer’s method download_product informing the product’s internal_name and the path to where it will be saved (the default is the current folder). This method downloads a compressed .zip file which contais all the files uploaded by the user, including data, anciliary files and description files. The time spent to download a data product depends on the internet connection between the user and the host. Let’s try it with a small data product.

pz_server.download_product(14, save_in=".")

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How to share data products with other RSP users

All data products uploaded to the PZ Server are imediately available and visible to all PZ Server users (people with RSP credentials) through the PZ Server website or via the API. Besides informing the product id or internal_name for programatic access, another way to share a data product is providing the product’s URL, which leads to the product’s download page. The URL is composed by the PZ Server website address + /products/ + internal_name: + internal_name

or, if still in the development phase, + internal_name

For example:

WARNING: The URL works only with the complete internal name, not with just the id number.

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How to retrieve contents of data products (work on memory)

Another feature of the PZ Server API is to let users retrieve the contents of a given data product to work on memory (by atributing the results of the method get_product() to a variable in the code). This feature is available only for tabular data (product types: Spec-z Catalog and Training Set).

By default, the method get_product returns an object from a particular class, depending on the product’s type. The classes SpeczCatalog and TrainingSet are simple extensions of pandas.DataFrame (via class composition) with a couple of additional attributes and methods, such as the attribute metadata, and the method display_metadata(). Let’s see an example:

catalog = pz_server.get_product(8)

The tabular data is allocated in the attribute data, which is a pandas.DataFrame.

It preserves the useful methods from pandas.DataFrame, such as:

In the prod-types you will see details about these specific classes. For those who prefer working with astropy.Table or pure pandas.DataFrame, the method get_product() gives the flexibility to choose the output format (fmt="pandas" or fmt="astropy").

dataframe = pz_server.get_product(8, fmt="pandas")
table = pz_server.get_product(8, fmt="astropy")

Specific features for each product type

Please take a look at the other tutorial notebooks with particular examples of how to use the pzserver library to access and manipulate data from the PZ Server.

Users feedback

Is something important missing? Click here to open an issue in the PZ Server library repository on GitHub.